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Cymatopleura are surirelloid diatoms with a raphe system that wraps around the perimeter of the valve face. They are typically large diatoms, and have a unique set of wave-like undulations on the valve face. Cymatopleura live in the bottom sediments of freshwater lakes and rivers, preferring water with basic pH or high in ions.
C. elliptica
Cells are 50-220 µm in length, 30-90 µm in width.
Rows of striae per 10 µm are 15-20.
Cells are oval shaped, with rounded to pointed ends.
Back-and-forth undulations are very prominent on the valve face
For more information, visit here.

A8m1 Cymatopleura elliptica_edited

A5m1 Cymatopleura elliptica_edited
C. solea
Cells are 56-280 µm in length, 13-24 µm in width at the center, 15-36 µm at the broadest part.
Rows of striae per 10 µm are 29-34.
Valve faces are shaped like peanut shells with pointed ends.
Valve faces have horizontal undulations.
For more information, visit here.

A3m1 Cymatopleura solea_edited

A8m1 Cymatopleura solea_edited

A8m1 Cymatopleura solea 1_edited
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