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Diatoms in art!



Diatoms are diverse, intricate, eye popping, and everywhere. 

They are also impossible for most people to see in their day to day lives.  Hopefully, this gallery brings them a little closer, and makes it easier to view some of the most beautiful creatures to be found.

A Glass Kaleidoscope


With things under a microscope, just like anything else, we often tend to zoom in and focus on just one thing. 

Sometimes it's nice to sit back and get a slightly bigger picture: the things we're focused on are often part of a much larger community. 


For diatoms, when we zoom out, we see them more like they are in their natural state: complex, chaotic, and beautiful.


If you like, see if you can identify diatoms here that also appear in the field guide!

A5m1 Amphora pediculus (_)2
A10m1 Cymbella hantzschiana
A5m1 Stephanodiscus cf. niagarae
A5m1 Sellaphora sp 1
A1m1 Ulnaria sp 1
A8m1 Sellaphora bacillum (_)
A3m1 Stephanodiscus niagarae1
A3m1 Neidium dubium1
C5m1 Amphora pediculus (one valve- compare to whole frustule to left)
A5m1 Navicula sp.2
Fragilaria capucina
A8m1 Lindavia rossii
A5m1 Navicula tripunctata2
A3m1 Caloneis amphisbaena
A8m1 Planothidium lanceolatum
A5m1 Caloneis sp1
A10m1 Surirella tenera (_) 2
A3m1 Pinnularia cf. viridis
A1m1 Karayevia clevei
A5m1 Cyclotella meneghiniana
A5m1 Diatoma elongatum)1
A3m3 Fragilaria mesolepta
A5m1 Nitzschia dissapata2.1
A8m1 img51.1
A3m1 Cocconeis pediculus
A5m1 Sellaphora bacillum 2 (_)
A8m1 Staurosira construens var. binodis (_)
A1m1 Ulnaria sp
A5m1 Diatoma elongatum)1
A3m3 Staurosirella dubia
A3m1 Stephanodiscus niagarae
A8m1 L. invisitatus-ish, center circle
A1m1 Diatoma sp 1
A5m1 Aulocoseira granulata
A5m1 Aulocoseira ambigua

All images taken and owned by Thomas Shannon, in association with the University of Wisconsin - Madison and the UW-Madison Center for Limnology.

For information on image use, please contact

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