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Karayevia are oval-shaped monoraphids with pinched ends. Their raphe valve has striae that radiate out away from the center, and their raphe-less valve tends to have striae that are almost parallel. Karayevia grow on grains of sand, and prefer neutral to basic waters.
K. clevei
Cells are 10-28 µm in length, 5-8.2 µm in width.
Rows of striae per 10 µm are 18-24 on raphe valve, 9-12 on rapheless valve.
Striae on rapheless valve (below) are coarse and parallel in the center, radiate at the ends.
Striae on the raphe valve are radiate, and shortened at the center.
For more information, visit here.
A1m1 Karayevia clevei_edited
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