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Pseudostaurosira all have short uniserate striae (striae made up of just one row of areolae). They may be found in a wide variety of shapes, from ovals to undulating star patterns. They often link together in colonies via spines. In addition to their shapes varying between species, it is also common for them to be misshapen or bent.
P. brevistrata
Cells are 10-26 µm in length, 3.5-4 µm in width.
Rows of striae are 12-15 per 10 µm.
Larger specimens often have slightly "squeezed" tips
Smaller species may look very similar to P. elliptica. However, P. elliptica has not been verified as present in North America.
For more information, visit here.

A3m3 Pseudostaurosira brevistriata-ish_edited
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A5m1 Pseudostaurosira elliptica (_)_edited
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