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Rhoicosphema species are asymmetrical over both axes. In valve view they look similar to Gomphonema; one pole is slightly wider than the other, giving it a club-like appearance. However, Rhoicosphema also often have a "pseudoseptum," a false ending to the cell's tips. Additionally, each of its two valves has a different raphe system: one valve has a full, long raphe system, and the other only has a short raphe system near the foot of the valve. In girdle view the two genera also differ: while both genera have a wedge shape, Rhoicosphema cells have a bend at the middle of the valve while Gomphonema remain straight.
Rhoicosphema are epiphytes, attaching at their narrower tip to the stalks of plants and other algae.
R. abbreviata
Cells are 10-55 µm in length, 4-8 µm in width.
Rows of striae are 15-20 per 10 µm.
In valve view, cells have pseudoseptae on both poles. The true ends are blunt and rounded.
In valve view, central area is oval shaped.
For more information, visit here.
A8m1 Rhoicosphema abbreviata_edited
A1m1 Rhoicosphenia abbreviata(_), Gomphonema_edited
R. stoermeri
Cells are 25-84 µm in length, 6-9 µm in width.
Rows of striae per 10 µm are 11-13 near the center, and 14-16 near the tips.
In valve view, cells are elongated and thin.
Raphe are spaced farther apart, and each has its own small unornamented space near the raphe head which connects at the center.
Pseudoseptum are present but less prominent.
For more information, visit here.
A3m1 Rhoicosphenia Stoermeri_edited
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